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作者: 温州翻译公司 发布时间:2017-05-11 22:22:19  点击率:





米娅(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)渴望成为一名演员,但至今她仍旧只是片场咖啡厅里的一名平凡的咖啡师,尽管不停地参加着大大小小的试镜,但米娅收获的只有失败。某日,在一场派对之中,米娅邂逅了名为塞巴斯汀(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰)的男子,起初两人之间产生了小小的矛盾,但很快,米娅便被塞巴斯汀身上闪耀的才华以及他对爵士乐的纯粹追求所吸引,最终两人走到了一起。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司




1. It's gonna be a bunch of social climbers. 肯定又是一群攀高枝的。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

2. You got ripped off. 你是被宰。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

3. Everybody knew that guy was shady, except for you. 所有人都知道那人名声不好,除了你。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

4. You are acting like life's got me on the ropes. 你觉得生活快把我打倒了。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

5. And I would admit I was a little curt that night. 我承认那天晚上我有些无礼。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

6. It's pretty strange that we keep running into each other. 很奇怪我们一直遇见对方。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

7. No but he doesn't have a steady gig. 不,他还没有固定的演出。BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

8. But it's like a pipe dream for me, you know? 但对我来说这就像个白日梦,你懂吗?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司



Sebastian: I thought... Surprise! I gotta leave first thing in the morning, but I just- I had to see you. It's so nice to be home.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I'm so glad you're home.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: How's the play going?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I'm nervous.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: You are? Why?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Because... what if people show up?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Pishi caca. You're nervous about what they think?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I'm nervous to do it. I'm nervous to get up on that stage and perform for people. I mean, I don't need to say that to you.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: It's gonna be incredible.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: You don't get it but I'm terrified.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: They should be so lucky to see it. I can't wait.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I can. When do you leave? In the morning?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yeah. 6:45. Boise.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Boise?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Boise.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: To Boise!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: You should come.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: To Boise?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yeah. You can knock it off your bucket list.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Oh. That would be really exciting. I wish I could. What are you doing after the tour?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Why can't you?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Come to Boise?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yeah.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: 'Cause I have to rehearse.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yeah but can't you rehearse anywhere?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Anywhere you are?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: I mean... I guess.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Well, all my stuff is here and it's in two weeks. So I don't really think that would be...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Okay.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: ...the best idea right now, but...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Right.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I wish I could.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: We're just gonna have to try and see each other, you know, so that we see each other.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I know but when are you done?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: What do you mean? I mean...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: When you finish with the whole tour?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: But after we finish, we're gonna go recording and then we'll go back on tour. You know, we tour so we can make the records so we can go back and tour the record.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: So it's like the long haul?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: What do you mean the "long haul"?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I mean the long haul, like you're gonna stay in this band...for a long time. On tour.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: I mean, what did you think I was gonna do?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I don't... I hadn't really thought it through. I didn't know that the band...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: You didn't think it would be successful.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: ...would be so important. Uhm… no, that's not really what I mean. I just mean that y-you...I mean...You are gonna be on tour for what? Months now? Years?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yeah I don't mean- this is it... I mean, this is- it could feasibly be- yeah for... I could be on tour with this... For a couple of years at least, just this record.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Do you like the music you're playing?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: I don't... I don't know... what- what it matters.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Well, it matters because...if you're going to give up your dream. I think it matters that you like what you're playing on the road for years.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Do you like the music I'm playing?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Yeah. I do. I just didn't think that you did.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yeah well...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: You know, you said Keith is the worst and now you're gonna be on tour with him for years, so I just didn't...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: I don't know what- What are you doing right now?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: ...know if you were happy.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Why are you doing this?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I don't-BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: What do you mean "why are you doing this"? I thought you wanted me to do this and it just sounds like now you don't want me to do it.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: What do you mean I wanted you to do this?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: This is what you wanted for me.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: To be in this band?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: To be in a band and have a steady job. You know. T-to be... you know.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Of course, I wanted you to have a steady that you can take care of yourself and your life and you could start your club.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Yes so I'm doing that so I don't understand- I mean why aren't we celebrating?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Why aren't you starting your club?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: You said yourself no one wants to go to that club. No one wants to go to a club called "Chicken on a Stick".BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: So change the name!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Well, no one likes jazz! Not even you!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I do like jazz now because of you!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: And this is what I thought you wanted me to do! What am I supposed to do? Go back to playing Jingle Bells?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I'm not saying that! I'm saying why don't you take...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Scrutting pennies so I can...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: ...what you've made and start the club!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: ...start a club that no one wants to go?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: The people will wanna go to it...because you're passionate about it...and people love what other people are passionate about. You remind people of what they've forgotten.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Not in my experience. Well, whatever alright. I mean it's- it's time to grow up, you know. I have a steady job, this is what I'm doing. And now all of a sudden if you had these problems, I wish you would've said them earlier...before I signed on the goddamn dotted line!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: I'm pointing out that you had a dream that you followed, that you were sticking...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: This is the dream! This is the dream!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: This is not your dream!BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Guys like me work their whole lives to be in something that's successful, that people like. You know? I mean, I'm finally in something th-th-th-that people enjoy.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Since when do you care about being liked?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: Just because I don't enjoy it, it doesn't matter.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Why do you care so much about being liked?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: You are an actress! What are you talking about? Maybe you just liked me when I was on my ass because it made you feel better about yourself.BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Mia: Are you kidding?BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司

Sebastian: No. I don't know...BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司


(中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮)BVP温州翻译公司-忠信乐译翻译有限公司





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